Freedom of Movement is a Capitalist Right

Sweating: Two Blood cells sweating in a virtual world where everything is a visualised concept. Referring to our physical reality this work is shifting perspectives into the microcosm of our bodies which is maybe as abstract and unreal as this text or the link/post/notification which brought you here. The only intersection we can rely on, is that we are experiencing it at this moment and that this moment consists of (human made) concepts. Is there a way out? Or maybe in?

Nadine Kolodziey

Nadine Kolodziey is a visual artist and illustrator based in Frankfurt and Berlin. She works at the intersection of digital and analog with the goal of creating visual experiences. She combines materials such as plastic and pixels to create work that is hand-cut, melted, or transformed into walkable augmented reality environments. She’s interested in new challenges, deep-diving in AR.Kolodziey worked for clients like Apple, Google, Youtube, Page and die Zeit.